Top Benefits of Using Police Gloves

The job of a police officer is not an easy one, when a police officer is on duty, they can face a dangerous situation. Police need to do variety a variety of things from helping citizens to restore peace if disruption happens. 911 Gear makes a variety of police gloves that can be used on several occasions. 


What is the Role of Police Gloves?


Police gloves' main purpose is to keep hands safe because police officers must deal with severe crimes, they need to be aware that they have gloves that will keep them safe from a knife cut. 


Gloves need to have enough grip or dexterity to let an officer patrol without any worry. Officers need gloves to grab criminals, hold their equipment on duty, drive around, and maintain a grip of the steering. Many gloves are made of leather material, fingers of the gloves give police officers freedom to use their hand moments effectively. 


However, not every kind of glove is designed to catch a hardcore criminal, these are recommended for regular or minor use. 911 Gear produces a variety of gloves, you can check all of them out on our official website. 


Check out the following turtleneck police gloves;


TurtleSkin Delta is one of the best leather police gloves with the trusted cut and puncture protection by 911 Gear. Turtleskin uses patented technologies to offer protection from needle puncture and cut. Delta is the latest of the Turtleskin line, it offers great protection as most of its popular models such as Bravo and Alpha. 


There is no such thing as a NEEDLE PROOF glove. Gloves are a layer of added protection, not a SOLUTION. Gloves will protect you under certain circumstances, not all circumstances. Proper search techniques should always be employed.


Following are some of its features and benefits, kindly check;


·        TurtleSkin Delta offers clear cut and hypodermic needle protection 

·        It offers a perfect balance of protection and dexterity for maximized comfort 

·        Police officers prefer Delta’s combined cut and slash protection qualities 

·        Hook and loop cuff add to the snug fit




·        Hypodermic needle- and cut-resistant palm and fingertips 

·        Slash-resistant knit on the back of the hand 

·        Outstanding dexterity with short break-in time 

·        100% Leather Shell for a snug fit


In the end

Now you know the difference between a turtleneck and a simple police glove easily. You can check out our official website to explore more of our products such as tactical products, swat boots, duty bags, Training Gear, Notebooks & Accessories.  



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